5E LtdCreating a brighter future through training and learning A not for profit organisation addressing
poverty and disadvantage

Basic Skills

ESOL and Functional Skills English and Maths 
Maths and English enable you to operate confidently, effectively and independently in the United Kingdom, both professionally and socially.
5E provides English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Functional Skills English and Maths courses which gives learners the opportunity to progress from a complete beginner to a Level 2 qualification in English or Maths. 
Functional Skills provide practical skills in English, Maths and ICT for all learners*. Functional Skills provide an individual with essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and work.
The students are learning skills that enable them to...
  • Apply their knowledge and understanding to everyday life
  • Engage competently and confidently with others
  • Solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations
  • Develop personally and professionally as positive citizens who can actively contribute to society.
All the courses include examinations which are internally assessed, internally verified and then externally verified by City and Guilds. 
* Terms, eligibility, entry requirements and conditions may apply

Course Enquiry

Our Quality Marks


The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills. The inspection and regulation of services that care for children and young people.

Investors in People Gold

Learner satisfaction and progress is only possible with a healthy team of staff. For the 3rd time we have achieved this accolade and look forward to investing in your future

Greenmark Quality

Our commitment to the environment has seen us consistently receive the Green mark Quality Mark as we minimise wastage of energy to protect our planet.

Matrix quality framework

A recognition to the organisation for its high standards of IAG delivery. Advice, guidance & support services that helps learners make an informed decision leading to their future in education & career.

Our Funders